풍경달다 By 정호승 / Experiment04 - Rip the paper

풍경달다  /  정호승

운주사 와불님을 뵙고

돌아오는 길에

그대 가슴의 처마 끝에

풍경을 달고 돌아왔다

먼데서 바람 불어와

풍경소리 들리면

보고 싶은 내 마음이

찾아간 줄 알아라

Jeong Ho-seung is a famous poet in South Korea. Born in 1950 and still active, he writes poems that are so beautiful that they are published in middle school and high school textbooks.

I translated this beautiful poem into English. Even though it's not an accurate translation, I tried to convey the meaning well.

Attach wind bells  /  Jeong Ho-seung

I met Woonjusa and Buddha

on my way back

at the end of the eaves of your heart

I came back with a wind bell

It's windy from far away

When I hear the wind bell

Think that my heart that I want to see you

has come to you

This is what the wind bell in this poem looks like.

In fact, when you go to a temple in Korea and hear this wind bell, it makes a very clear and deep sound. The sound is more beautiful when the wind blows moderately.

This poem is a calm expression of the poet's longing for an object he loves. I think the object can be a loved one or a beautiful landscape.

I matched the picture of the daffodils in this poem. The daffodils in my picture are not fully in full bloom yet, but I chose a picture that looks like a bell with its head down.

풍경달다 Experiment04

This photo was taken on Apr. 10, 2024, which was my day off because it was the voting day for parliamentary elections in South Korea. Also, the background is a little dizzy because I took it with a manual lens.

Fujifilm    X-T4    1/6000s    ISO160    F2.4    21mm

Carl Zeiss MC DDR Flektogon 35mm F2.4

Let's take a look at the original picture in color and black and white.

Original b&w

Original Color

I always try to express the feelings of poetry and photography by connecting them, but I always worry a lot. 😅


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Have a nice day 😊