Transcribing Nothing Gold Can Stay By Robert Frost [ Photo with Poem / Experiment25 ]

This poem is taken to mean that time passes so fast that it is not recognized that the moment of a shining life is not eternal and disappears in an instant.

Time goes by so fast that I can think of it as a lesson not to cherish the present time and waste it.

Nothing Gold Can Stay   By Robert Frost

Nature’s first green is gold,

Her hardest hue to hold.

Her early leaf’s a flower;

But only so an hour.

Then leaf subsides to leaf.

So Eden sank to grief,

So dawn goes down to day.

Nothing gold can stay.

Experiment25 Color

Experiment25 B&W

This time, I transcribed with Waterman's Hemisphere fountain pen. I wrote in iroshizuku KS(kiri-same) for ink. This ink is black, but it's a very pale ink. 
Writing with this ink makes me feel like I'm walking in the fog.

Nothing Gold Can Stay By Robert Frost


In this experiment 25, I tried to staple the picture. I tried to express how I want to force myself to catch the time that goes by quickly. I'll try to put the original of this picture below.

Original Color

Original B&W

I haven't been able to post often these days. The company's work is a little busy and there are new things to prepare, so it's going a little slow. And it's even more so because my computer is in trouble and I can't edit it right now. I'll try to post more often from next week. 😒😥


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Have a nice day 😊