Silence By David Herbert Lawrence [Photo with Poem / Experiment24]
The poem I transcribed today is David Herbert Lawrence's poem Silence.
The silence in this poem also means death, and it also means the behavior of a person who has lost words after a breakup. I understood that the poet recognized silence as a way of expressing sound.
It may mean a history of pain in which people cannot tell the truth by opening their mouths. It sometimes developed into resistance and became a driving force to change history. When I read this poem, I think it is composed of a calm and powerful language. The last verse, The sound of men, comes to me in many ways.
The silence in this poem also means death, and it also means the behavior of a person who has lost words after a breakup. I understood that the poet recognized silence as a way of expressing sound.
It may mean a history of pain in which people cannot tell the truth by opening their mouths. It sometimes developed into resistance and became a driving force to change history. When I read this poem, I think it is composed of a calm and powerful language. The last verse, The sound of men, comes to me in many ways.
David Herbert Lawrence
Since I lost you I am silence-haunted,
Sounds wave their little wings
A moment, then in weariness settle
On the flood that soundless swings.
Whether the people in the street
Like pattering ripples go by,
Or whether the theatre sighs and sighs
With a loud, hoarse sigh:
Or the wind shakes a ravel of light
Over the dead-black river,
Or night’s last echoing
Makes the daybreak shiver:
I feel the silence waiting
To take them all up again
In its vast completeness, enfolding
The sound of men.
Silence / Experiment24 |
Silence / Experiment24 |
I chose this photo for a poem called Silence. It looks confident, but I wanted to show you bending down and looking up without saying anything. There are many things you want, but I think it's an image that shows your will to never say anything forever because you can't achieve it. 😎
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