Beautiful Russian poetry Весенние воды / Федора Тютчева [ Photo with Poem / Experiment04 ]
Fyodor Tyutchev was born in Moscow in 1803 and came from an aristocratic family, where he studied literature and began to write poetry under the influence of his tutor, C. E. Raich. He spent a long time as a diplomat in Munich, Germany, and later returned to Russia, where he died in 1873.
His poetry was so famous that he was praised by Russian literati. He was heavily influenced by German philosophy and romanticism, and worked on translating European classics into Russian.
This poem describes the sound of spring in simple, sweet words that bring it to life. It's in Russian, which is a completely different language from Korean, but the sounds are vibrant.
Весенние воды / Федора Тютчева
Еще в полях белеет снег,
А воды уж весной шумят -
Бегут и будят сонный брег,
Бегут, и блещут, и гласят...
Они гласят во все концы:
"Весна идет, весна идет,
Мы молодой весны гонцы,
Она нас выслала вперед!
Весна идет, весна идет,
И тихих, теплых майских дней
Румяный, светлый хоровод
Толпится весело за ней!.."
I transcribed this poem because it's beautifully worded, but also because it's short and easy to transcribe.
This time, I transcribed this poem with a pencil. In fact, while writing with a pen, I kept making mistakes and the handwriting didn't work well, so I transcribed it again with a pencil. 🤣😂
Transcribing into Russian is still difficult for me. 😥
I thought that a picture that combines the feeling of May, when spring is fully ripe, with snow-covered Russia would go well with this poem.
This photo was taken with my iPhone 14 Pro. I was out for a walk during my lunch break at work and I saw some willow seeds flying around and it looked like it was snowing, so I took a picture of them as they landed on the tiniest of wildflowers.
How do you think this poem goes well with the picture? 🧐
This time, I edited this picture in the way of Experiment04.
It was a bit interesting because the picture looked like it was taken with film.
Thank you for taking a closer look at my writing and pictures. 🙏🙏
* Experiment04 - Rip the paper
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