Transcription of Laughing song By William Blake [ Photo with Poem / Experiment21 ]

This poem is a very bright one. It feels like I'm watching an outing where the sound of children's laughter is constant.
It's such an ideal and warm atmosphere that it seems far from reality.

William Blake was a painter, poet, and writer born in London, England. He loved the works of Renaissance painters in his prime, and is said to have been influenced by his works. He also included illustrations of his paintings in his collection of poems. I really want to see the original version of the collection.

Laughing song   By William Blake

​When the green woods laugh with the voice of joy,

And the dimpling stream runs laughing by;

When the air does laugh with our merry wit,

And the green hill laughs with the noise of it;

when the meadows laugh with lively green,

And the grasshopper laughs in the merry scene,

When Mary and Susan and Emily

With their sweet round mouths sing "Ha, ha he!"

When the painted birds laugh in the shade,

Where our table with cherries and nuts is spread:

Come live, and be merry, and join with me,

To sing the sweet chorus of "Ha, ha, he!"

 Experiment21  Color

Experiment21  B&W

I chose this picture right after I read it, because it made me excited enough to go on a trip somewhere. 

So I imagined leaving home in a nice car in the picture. 🤣😂 🚙

Laughing song   By William Blake

I think I was in a good condition when I transcribed this poem because the writing was better than usual. I think it's because of the brightness of the poem.

On the contrary, it is said that the interpretation of this poem is rather depressing. But I took it more brightly in the direct sense of poetry.

The fountain pen I used to transcribe this poem is Twsbi's Diamond 580.
I'm attaching a link to the video I'm transcribing.

Thank you for reading my writing until the end today.  🤗

#TWSBI #diamond580 #Transcribing #WilliamBlake #Poem #필사 #만년필 #트위스비

🔽 Experiment21 🔽


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