Transcribing If recollecting were forgetting By Emily Dickinson [ Photo with Poem / Experiment23 ]

 In this poem, the poet tells a different story about memory and forgetting. I think the more she tries to erase it, the more she is telling me about a time that has not disappeared from her memory.

Emily Dickinson is probably showing this poem her feelings for fear that memories of her loved ones will be forgotten.

It's a very short poem, but the intense and desperate longing is coming out very well, so I was impressed.

If recollecting were forgetting  

By Emily Dickinson

If recollecting were forgetting,

Then I remember not.

And if forgetting, recollecting,

How near I had forgot.

And if to miss, were merry,

And to mourn, were gay,

How very blithe the fingers

That gathered this, Today!

The picture I chose after reading this poem was printed on a broken printer with the picture below, so I chose it because I thought it was a picture that expressed the boundaries of memory and oblivion well.

Experiment23  Color

In the black and white picture, I chose this picture because it seemed to express the process of partially disappearing memories.

Experiment23  B&W

And I tried to transcribe this poem to Diamond 580 model, a TWSBI fountain pen. This fountain pen has the advantage of being very tactile and easy to manage due to a lot of ink.

If recollecting were forgetting By Emily Dickinson

I made a video about the process of transcribing this poem. I posted it on my YouTube account, so I hope a lot of people watch it.


You can see another Emily Dickinson poem by visiting the link below.

Thank you for reading my post so far. I hope you have a good night  🥱😴😪

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