Transcribing An Immorality By Ezra Pound [ Photo with Poem / Experiment09 ]

Ezra Pound is a poet, writer, and composer who had a great influence on modern English and American poetry. His concise yet accurate poetry is said to have written many works that evoke concrete images rather than abstract ones.

It's a very short poem, but it's generating a lot of interpretation. Regardless of his or her intentions, a poet shows a person's intention to pursue noble love as a human being. However, it also shows a willingness to work hard not to get involved in a war.

These days, the war in Russia and Ukraine broke out first around the world, and recently, the war between Israel, Hamas and Iran is progressing again. Reading this poem gave me an opportunity to think about the war again. I think it will be difficult to get out of the proposition of immorality no matter what you choose.

It just felt harder to find the right picture for this very concise poem. It's just beginning to bloom here, so I don't have any pictures of the roses of the year yet.

After a lot of thought, I chose this picture.

Experiment09 B&W

Experiment09 Color

I think it's not enough to make use of the deep meaning of this poem, but I've tried to get a little closer to what this poem expresses by reversing the top and bottom of the black-and-white and color picture.

An Immorality

Sing we for love and idleness,
Naught else is worth the having.

Though I have been in many a land,
There is naught else in living.

And I would rather have my sweet,
Though rose-leaves die of grieving,

Than do high deeds in Hungary
To pass all men's believing.
Ezra Pound

An Immorality

The original photo was taken on Apr. 20, 2024 at Zhangjiah Lake Park in Guri City. It rained quite a bit the night before, so I could meet some moist flowers. While walking down the street like that, I met this guy who was lying on a flower bed.

Original Color

Original B&W

When I saw this fallen tulip, I felt sad and sad. But the color of the flowers was still beautiful, and the small, bright green plants next to them were very harmonious and different.

Fujifilm    X-T4    F8    1/120s    ISO400    Spot    80mm

XF80mm F2.8 Macro

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