This poem personifies the pain of growing up to bloom. Blooming won't make everything beautiful, but you don't know without blooming.
I think this poem tells us that we must strive to overcome our fears for the future and also to overcome our challenges for the future.
Risk By Anaïs Nin
And then the day came,
when the risk
to remain tight
in a bud
was more painful
than the risk
it took
to blossom.
Experiment24 B&W |
Experiment24 Color |
While reading this poem, I thought of flowers that have bloomed, but have not yet bloomed. When I look at flowers, I think this moment is the most beautiful. When I see flowers that have bloomed, I think I look a little sad to think about the time that will come soon. That's why I chose this picture today.
This poet is an essayist and author who was born in France, experienced many countries, and spent half of her life in the United States. She has a unique history of keeping a diary for a long time and publishing it as a book.
Risk By Anaïs Nin |
Original Color |
Original B&W |
The original photo of this flower was taken on my birthday last month. It was so beautiful not to have bloomed yet.
I wish you a good night 😴
#Tombow #Transcribing #AnaïsNin #Poem #필사 #Playcolor2
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