Transcription of Art By Herman Melville [ Photo with Poem / Experiment06 ]

 This poem talks about art very figuratively and implicitly. This artist praises art, giving it deep and profound meaning with very strong and direct words. I interpreted it as just cheering for artists who devote themselves to art, but not forgetting the advice.

The poem about this art was written by an American poet, novelist, and essayist named Herman Melville.

He had a hard time growing up due to his family circumstances, and he got a job as a sailor to make money, got on a boat, and had various experiences, and later wrote a very famous novel called Moby-Dick; or, The Whale based on these experiences. 

 Art         By Herman Melville

​In placid hours well-pleased we dream

Of many a brave unbodied scheme.

But form to lend, pulsed life create,

What unlike things must meet and mate:

A flame to melt - a wind to freeze;

Sad patience - joyous energies;

Humility - yet pride and scorn;

Instinct and study; love and hate;

Audacity - reverence. These must mate,

And fuse with Jacob’s mystic heart,

To wrestle with the angel - Art.

I thought a lot about choosing a picture because the poem was so strong and impressive.

Experiment06  Color

Experiment06  B&W

Even after choosing this picture, I can't convince myself that it actually looks good on me.

컬러 원본

흑백 원본

In my view, if you look at the original pictures, the impression is stronger.

Art  By Herman Melville

My work is so busy these days that the interval between posting has increased a bit.  Have a good day today and wish you all the best. 🙏🙏

🔽 Experiment06 🔽


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